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Community Strategist

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Collaborate with a community expert who cares about your mission and vision as much as you do.

Laura Zug is a people-first community strategist whose clients have described her soulful, connection-driven approach as “the oxygen that breathed life” into their communities.

Laura has a lifelong passion for empowering and elevating others. Where some see problems, she sees a puzzle that can be solved one piece at a time. Her clients find clarity through her goal-oriented planning, practical guidance, and problem-solving skills. Her mentorship is effective yet gentle, founded on empathy, optimism, and insatiable curiosity.

Laura has a remarkable track record of success in community strategy, community management, and mentorship. Besides her impressive community-building credentials, she has experience in public relations and marketing, where she worked to build a sense of community at scale.

Laura graduated summa cum laude from Vanderbilt University with a Bachelor of Science in European Studies and has completed MBA coursework at the Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia.

Aside from her professional achievements, Laura is also a wife, friend, and mom of two. In her free time, Laura loves her morning coffee, Pilates, cuddling with her cavapoo, and hiking the North Carolina mountains near her home.